My daughter Austen launched her doula business several years ago and was mainly using Facebook and personal referrals to get work. While she was getting some work, she missed out on an enormous source of potential clients—search engine traffic that …
6 Steps to Find Viral Blog Topics Using Google Trends
Are you sitting in front of your computer screen, racking your brain to develop blog topics to draw people to your site? One of the simplest ways to discover hot blog topics to write about is to see what's trending in your industry. A quick and free …
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Storytelling in the Digital Marketing Age
Storytelling is an ancient tradition that we use to convey important information to use in our everyday lives, to educate our children, and to entertain. We also use storytelling to spread the word about our businesses, products or …
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What is Your Biggest Digital Marketing Challenge?
We'd like to know what your biggest challenge is in using social media and blogging to reach your target audience. If it's something else related to digital marketing, like building a Website or SEO, let us know. We're going to compile your …
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How to Find Hot Topics for Your Blog
Want to know what's trending in your industry, or to find hot topics to write about for your blog? Writing about and sharing popular subjects will help draw traffic to your blog or your website. It will also show your readers that you're on top of …
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How to Easily Write a Blog Post
Content marketing is crucial for businesses to establish an online presence. Besides posting content on social media, you should write a blog post at least once a month or twice a week to stay ahead of your competitors. But how do you do this if …
How to Approach Digital Marketing in the New Year
We are embarking on a new year full of possibilities, challenges and rewards. For this upcoming year, how do we manage our digital marketing with all the changes on social media? How do we deal with the information overload on the Internet? While …
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9 Graphic Apps to Create Captivating Images and Video for Your Blog
Not a graphic designer? Here are nine great graphic apps that will help you make images and videos for your blog or social media channels with a smart device or desktop (some do not apply to the latter). Adobe Spark Post Adobe Spark Post is …
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How to Not Be Boring and Add Value to Your Social Media Sharing
Social media sharing of an article or blog post you find interesting is pretty easy to do. Click the share button and it’s off. But is it enough? The resounding answer is no. If you’re trying to engage your followers, whether on Facebook, Twitter, …
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Top 10 Digital Marketing Questions
Over the years, digital marketing has become the primary way companies, corporations, startups, and individuals generate interest and business. Yet, many people are not sure where to start using digital marketing to generate a brand presence and …