I travel a great deal, and when I do, I have to conduct my digital marketing while on the road. Whether I’m dictating a new blog post, creating graphics, or posting curated content, I can do it all from my iPhone with mobile blogging apps.
Following is a list of my favorite mobile blogging apps that help me get my blog posts out, whether I’m at a coffee shop down the street, or across the world dancing tango.
[bctt tweet=”However, having the right marketing and blogging apps is necessary to make the most of your time. #bloggingapps” username=”cjscribe”]
This is the first in a series that I’ll be writing over the next few weeks to cover all the great mobile digital marketing apps and tools I use to get my work done—so I can have fun!
Mobile Blogging Apps
iOS Notes
I have found that dictating blog posts is a great way to pass time while driving. It can be done safely if you have the right setup.
First, a device to hold your phone is needed. Secondly, you’ll need a good microphone/headset.
For safety’s sake, make sure that whatever you choose it’s easy to reach and press the function button (home button on iPhones), or use a headset of which most have an activation button.
Now for the blogging app I use to dictate my posts: I use the iPhone native Notes app. The voice to text feature on iPhones is good enough to capture 95% of what you say correctly.
Before I start driving, I make sure my phone is unlocked and Notes is open. When I’m ready to start dictating, I press the microphone icon and start talking. I can insert commas and other punctuation in voice to text, so my note doesn’t end up being a big run-on mess.
Later, I’ll access my notes on my MacAir or my iMac, where my Notes are synced, and copy and paste to my blog for editing and publishing.
While iOS Notes is obviously only available on iOS devices, there are plenty of Android apps out there that work the same.
Dragon Dictation
Made precisely for dictation, the mobile app Dragon Dictation can be used to dictate short messages and notes that can be sent vial email to yourself for later editing. You can also post to social media or send notes as a text message. So, in addition to taking notes for your blog, you can send social media updates without typing a word.
It’s very simple and easy to use. Make sure you copy and save your notes as soon as possible, as I’ve read on some reviews that users lost all their notes when trying to email them.
Dragon Dictation is available for both Android and iOS devices.
You can write, edit, add images and post to your blog all from the mobile WordPress app. I also use voice-to-text to dictate my blog posts on the app. You can also view your blog stats and monitor for comments.
The blogging app can be used with a self-hosted WordPress site, or WordPress.com hosted blogs. All you need is a WordPress.com account to connect it with the app.
Sometimes it’s a bit buggy, but all in all it’s a great mobile blogging app.
WordPress is available for both Android and iOS devices.
Google Docs
I’m a Google app fanatic. I use the entire suite of Google work apps, including Google Docs.
Like iPhone’s cloud system, you can access all your documents on all your devices, as long as you are signed in.
While I use Storyist on my computer to write my blog posts most of the time for fear of Internet connection disruption, Google Docs mobile app can be used on or offline.
So if you’ve written a post offline on your phone or iPad, the moment you go online, it will sync with your Google Drive account, and you can continue editing your document on your desktop later. Just be careful: I have lost edits after using my iPad because I didn’t save the document properly before logging online.
A fantastic new attribute of Google Docs’ mobile app is you can tap and search for images related to topics you’re writing about, and insert them into your document. I believe this is in beta, because the option doesn’t always show up.
Google Docs is available for Android and iOS devices.
In Summary
There you have it: Four mobile blogging apps you can use to get those blog posts out while on the road.
Do you use any great apps not listed here? Let me know about them in the comments section below!
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