Do you have a hard time sorting through all the information on the Web on how to do your content marketing? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could find all the content marketing resources for content creation and marketing advice and tips you need in one place?
To make your quest for information on creating, optimizing, and promoting your content a little easier, I’ve compiled 145 tweets focused on blogging and content marketing.
Check out the Tweets for a little inspiration on what works and what doesn’t regarding content marketing on social media.
The tweets are from all over the Web, from blog and marketing experts and Websites such as Jeff Bullas, ProBlogger, CopyBlogger, BloggingPro, Search Engine Journal, Guy Kawasaki, and much more, as well from this blog, Crackerjack Scribe.
Tweet samples include:
“Content is king – make sure you’re providing valuable, interesting information to your followers.” – @RyanHoliday
“Make sure you’re blogging regularly – it’s one of the best ways to keep your audience engaged.” – @ryanholiday
“If you want people to take notice of your blog, make sure you’re publishing great content!” -@KarenRothstein

We hope this list of content marketing resources will make your content marketing easier. Make sure you bookmark this page so you can come back to it for further research.
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