Video marketing is at the top of many marketers’ and business owners’ lists, and now Facebook’s new video creation tool makes it super simple to make a Facebook video to promote your business.
Your Business Story enables you to make in three easy steps a short Facebook video that tells the story of your business.
The video creation tool pulls images that you choose from your business photo albums, allows you to input up to 90 characters of text, and choose from four music styles. The video is published to your business page timeline.
It’s a great and easy way to tell fans and the public what your business is about. The limited text option forces you to choose phrases or statements that make an impact. You can also make several videos, each describing a different aspect of your business.
Other easy to use video making tools and apps are Adobe Voice, which I talk about in this article 12 Awesome Social Media Marketing Tools That Will Save You Time, Periscope, Meerkat, and PicFlow for Instagram.
To tell Your Business Story with the Facebook video tool, watch the tutorial below.
I offer training, consulting and full-service digital marketing for individuals and businesses. If you need help with creating a digital marketing strategy, or simply setting up a social media page, blog or Website, visit my site:, or send me a message on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
????Laura Tate, Crackerjack Scribe
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